Feedback from Facebook followers
GW - Thank you, just what I need. I need to get back into condition with gentle, short walks. 3.5 weeks post-op for a pacemaker, I am so out of condition, A gentle stroll in the cool of the evening sounds like a good way to start.
PS This is really well executed, and helps put together the wider picture of our local area as a 'place'. A big 'thank you'!
ED brilliant instructions! My sense of direction is notoriously bad, but I didn’t get lost once
LM That’s a great walk! Highly recommend the Phoenix Inn for the finishing pub.
ZR Thank you! This is a wonderful resource
KM Wow thanks looks really good and easy to use.
RR Great idea! Always looking for toddler friendly walks (under 2 miles)
GD Thank you for putting these out. Did this walk this morning. It was stunning. Definitely going to be visiting again and checking out your other walks.
ED Did the long walk this morning. Just lovely. Thanks so much.