Heathland photography competition

The competition is looking for the best photographs of our glorious heathland over the next couple of months (ending 31 August 2021). During this period it is at its most beautiful with all three species of heather flowering and making a varied pink carpet over the undulating heathland. The trees add to the beauty of the landscape and when added to the summer sun, dawn or dusk, offer so many opportunities to get some truly great images.
The rules are as follows
- Open to all
- Entry is free
- Two categories of entrant
- Adult (includes over 16 years of age on xxx 2021)
- Under 16 years of age on 31 August 2021
- Maximum two entries per entrant
- Photographs must be taken during July/August 2021 - Closing Date 31 August 2021
- Photographs must be taken from paths or tracks, not by entering the heather.
- Judges decision will be final
- Entries should be made as follows
- email your entries to info@blackwatervalleynaturewalks.co.uk (.jpeg only please. no tiff files)
- Add the name of the competition entrant
- the category of entrant - adult or under 16
- Entries should include the approximate location of the photograph
- For the purpose of this competition the photograph must be taken in one of the following Council areas. Guildford Borough Council, Waverley Borough Council, Rushmoor Borough Council, Surrey Heath Borough Council, Bracknell Forest Council, Hart District Council, Wokingham Borough Council. This includes on any walks on our website highlighted in purple
- Copyright in the images submitted by or on behalf of the competition entrant shall remain with the entrant at all times, but images and names submitted (as copyright owners) may be used free of charge by Thames Basin Heaths Partnership and Blackwater Valley Nature Walks for social media or other promotional purposes as they see fit.
The winner of each category will receive a £25 voucher from NHBS. See more about NHBS here
(NHBS’s core purpose is to support those who work to understand, protect, and conserve the natural environment. We do this by:
Offering the largest range of wildlife, ecology and conservation books and equipment in the world
Providing expert advice and support to ensure that you are confident in using the books and equipment purchased
Providing the continuity in products and services that is essential for longer term research projects)
Winners and runners up will also be invited to join a guided walk with a Ranger on a local heath.

Woodlark by Brian Slade