Black Hill, Camberley
The Water Tower
This area is owned, I believe, by the Ministry of Defence and is used for training and exercises. It is open to the public and has many trails mainly through woodland but some open areas. It is hilly but tracks are well made - children will enjoy it. There is a free car park off the Maultway.
It is hard to get lost here, boundaries are the railway and the M3 although there is a steep underpass to further military land with tracks south of the motorway. That offers a slightly strenuous chance to walk to the great views of High Curley but you will probably need a map to find that.
View from High Curley
Abutting this land is private land with some 'No Trespassing' signs. The open grassed area has been used, presumably with informal permission, for many years for recreation and has a wonderful weeping willow tree and a circular walk.
A thing to watch out for on the MoD tracks is that some are used for high speed vehicle testing, you will need to be aware if that is going on while you are in the area. There are always people around this area as you can tell by the car park. Children will like exploring.

The weeping willow in winter
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